March 16-18, 2025 | Boston, USA

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Country of Origin Labeling in the Ever-Growing Transparent Landscape

Mar 10 2024

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT


Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) is a labeling law that requires retailers, such as full-line grocery stores, supermarkets and club warehouse stores, to notify their customers with information regarding the source of certain foods. The Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 was amended to define the commodities required to display origin information when sold by retailers. These "covered commodities" are fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables; wild & farm-raised fish and shellfish; muscle cut and ground chicken, lamb, and goat meat; raw peanuts, pecans, and macadamia nuts; and ginseng. COOL continues to play a vital role in providing consumers information about the source of their foods to assist them in their purchasing decisions. Transparency regarding the origin of seafood ranks high in importance for buyers. This session will cover the importance and evolution of COOL since implementation, and successes from collaboration across the federal government. 


U.S. Food & Drug Administration

- Public Affairs Specialist

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

- Director, Division of Seafood Safety

National Marine Fisheries Service

- Chief, Seafood Inspection Program

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