Laura Van Voorhees commands over 15 years of experience supporting democracy and governance work globally. At the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Laura oversees technical assistance with U.S. DOL funding including the Decent Work in Fishing project implemented by the ILO in Peru and Ecuador. Laura is co-chairing the NOAA CALM-CS working group on leveraging technologies to reduce vulnerabilities of crew at sea. Laura is the USDOL representative to the Maritime Safe Seas subworking group on labor in fishing issues. Laura contributed to the National Security Memorandum on Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing and Associated Labor Abuses as well as the latest Global Magnitsky Human Right Accountability Act action on IUU F. Laura has contributed to the work of the Ad Hoc Joint Working Group with the International Maritime Organizations, International Labor Organizations, and Food and Agricultural Organization on IUU Fishing through U.S. delegations. Laura organized industry roundtables to identify and address forced labor in the fishing sector with Verite. Laura is a Human Sea Project Writer with the Maritime and Oceanic Law Centre, University of Nantes, France.