6-8 May 2025 | Barcelona, Spain

Sponsored Presentations

Don’t Miss These Free Sponsored Presentations!

The schedule of free sponsored presentations is coming soon. Please check back later for updates!

Tuesday 6 May

CC 5.2

FREE Sponsored Presentation: PFAS in Fish & Seafood 

PFAS: risks, regulations, trends and experiences in Fish & Seafood, from Eurofins PFAS Testing Competence Centre in Sweden

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CC 5.3

14:00 – 14:45
CC 5.2

14:00 – 14:45 

CC 5.3

FREE Sponsored Presentation: NextOcean, Earth Observation Services for Sustainable Fishing and Aquaculture

For aquaculture operations, NextOcean services are monitoring the locations of aquaculture cages, environmental impact of fish farms, and support early warning for marine heat waves and pollution risk. NextOcean supports aquaculture site selection with historical data sets on oilspills and ocean data. For fisheries, NextOcean services are used to monitor the performance of fisheries and identify fish provenance.

FREE Sponsored Presentation: Responsible Aquaculture Supply Chains: Addressing Evolving Transparency Requirements from Farm to Consumer

Hosted by GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS GmbH, this panel discussion will explore the crucial topic of supply chain legislation in Europe, the European Union (EU) and beyond, as well as the role of certification in supporting responsible farming practices.
Moderated by Marco Frederiksen, Director of Eurofish Magazine, the event will showcase the cross-sector perspectives of industry experts from across the aquaculture value chain.

Key topics will include:
• Recent trends and developments in the European aquaculture sector
• Existing aquaculture supply chain regulations and their impacts, and new legislative directives within the EU, particularly pertaining to environmental protection and the responsible use of resources
• The role of legislation and voluntary certification in fostering responsible aquaculture across the supply chain
• A holistic approach to improving supply chain traceability through cross-sector collaboration
• Data-driven traceability systems for responsible farming practices
• Tracing compound feed raw materials in the aquaculture supply chain
• Benefits of improved supply chain legislation and transparency requirements for retailers and consumers
• Challenges of responsible aquaculture farming in the EU and potential solutions for fostering responsible production practices in Europe and globally
Join us for an engaging and informative discussion to learn more about the evolving landscape of legislation and responsible aquaculture.
Learn more about GLOBALG.A.P. smart farm assurance solutions at globalgap.org.



FREE Sponsored Presentation: Do You Know Your Hidden Risks? A Broader View is Increasingly Essential to Produce Sustainable Seafood

Rising costs and market restrictions, seafood fraud and climate change or labor practices continue to impact and challenge our seafood production. Companies are constantly challenged to manage environmental and social issues in addition to existing risks, spanning from food safety to energy management and cyber security, ESG performance, diversity, equity & inclusion and anti-bribery. While companies must prioritize, it could mean relinquishing control of what is viewed as less urgent at the time. It is not possible to be everywhere. But are there effective ways for the seafood industry to understand key risks, contribute to sustainability in the blue economy and to reach SDG ambitions? Join us for a session where we dive into critical risks facing seafood companies today. From food safety to diversity, equity & inclusion and information security, he will share insight from DNV’s ViewPoint surveys and Lumina™ benchmarking tool on what companies see as top concerns, pinpoint where the corresponding management system most often fail and which actions best-performers implement to close the gaps. While you cannot predict what may go wrong, you can learn from others and put their practices to good use. Learn more >> 

Wednesday 7 May

14:00 – 14:45
CC 5.1

FREE Sponsored Presentation: Setting the Standard for Feed: Redefining Responsible Feed Production to Champion Positive Change

Responsible seafood farming needs responsible feed. Get inspired by Skretting and other industry leaders who have ventured into new territory for feed production by achieving ASC Feed Certification and know what it takes to drive transparency and social and environmental improvements throughout feed supply chains.

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14:00 – 14:45
CC 5.2

14:00 – 14:45
CC 5.3

FREE Sponsored Presentation: Implications for Small-Scale Fisheries Imports and the New EU Due Diligence Legislation

While it might seem self-evident that responsible companies would only buy seafood from legally approved fishers, the reality is quite different. If you buy from small-scale or artisanal fisheries, there is a good chance that some of your producers are not legally recognized by their governments and other risks associated with human rights and labor abuses may be occurring in your supply chain. The upcoming EU Due Diligence legislation will expand the legal implications for companies marketing seafood products imported from fisheries with unregistered fishers and vessels, or where human rights or labor conditions are not fully respected. In this panel, we will hear from representatives from international seafood companies, professionals working with small-scale fisheries in the Global South, and experts involved in the development of the new EU Due Diligence legislation to better understand the challenges and opportunities this new scenario will bring. Small-scale fisheries produce 40 percent of the world’s total fish catch. They include some iconic fisheries, such as squid, octopus, shrimp and crabs that are highly sought-after and widely consumed in large international markets. By supporting small-scale fisheries, seafood companies have the opportunity to improve global seafood sustainability and benefit the most underserved fishers in commercial supply chains. Learn more >> 

FREE Sponsored Presentation: Free Sponsored Session: Tuna Transparency Pledge: Driving Fisheries Transparency and Market Value with On-The-Water Monitoring

2.9 billion people—40% of the global population—depend on fish for protein. Yet, two-thirds of global fisheries are either overfished or cannot sustain further pressure. Tuna ranks as one of the most prized and popular fish in the world with five million tons of fish produced annually and a dockside value of $10 billion USD.

Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing activity threatens the health of tuna stocks, ocean wildlife, and the livelihoods of fishing nations and fishers. One in five wild-caught marine fish are landed from IUU fishing. In addition, IUU fishing generates up to $36 billion annually in illegal profits, with untold billions of dollars lost to the global economy in unpaid taxes, customs, license fees, and numerous other pieces of the legal seafood supply chain.

One of the biggest obstacles to sustainably managing global tuna fisheries is the lack of on-the-water data. Fisheries authorities and supply chain actors often lack the data needed to manage fisheries sustainably and to ensure that vessels are complying with fishing regulations, which ultimately helps level the playing field for law-abiding fishers around the globe.

Many technological advances have enabled fishery managers to better understand what is happening on the water, but without independent monitoring on vessels to verify catch activity, it is difficult to identify when IUU activity is occurring in the first mile of the supply chain. In fact, the vast majority of IUU fishing takes place on legally licensed—but unmonitored—vessels. Companies that are unable to verify compliance with environmental and social standards risk losing valuable sources of income, in addition to increasing business risks throughout the supply chain.

100% on-the-water monitoring is the industry future. Reliable data can help retailers and seafood suppliers combat IUU in their supply chains and ensure compliance with environmental and social standards. Increased data on supply chains can also significantly enhance consumer trust in products found on supermarket shelves.

This is why The Nature Conservancy, in collaboration with government and market leaders, has launched the Tuna Transparency Pledge, a global initiative uniting actors throughout the tuna supply chain to deliver 100% on-the-water monitoring on all industrial tuna vessels by 2027. In this session, join industry and government leaders to learn why they are signing onto the Tuna Transparency Pledge and how their commitments will help minimize risk in their supply chains while maximizing consumer confidence in their products. Learn more at nature.org/tunapledge.

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